I am puzzled.
Attached is a recipe "xxMead" which is Mr. Smith's recipe that I got from the cloud and fiddled with to localize it to my environment.
On the Design tap it shows an ABV of 15%. I increased the Honey to 30 poiunds the Ext. ABV did not change. Increased it to 40 pounds and the Est ABV did not change.
The OG changes but nothing related to Est ABV. If I increase the fermentation a lot I expect that the Est. ABV will change correspondingly.
Am I using this tool improperly??
There must be something I am missing here.
Attached is a recipe "xxMead" which is Mr. Smith's recipe that I got from the cloud and fiddled with to localize it to my environment.
On the Design tap it shows an ABV of 15%. I increased the Honey to 30 poiunds the Ext. ABV did not change. Increased it to 40 pounds and the Est ABV did not change.
The OG changes but nothing related to Est ABV. If I increase the fermentation a lot I expect that the Est. ABV will change correspondingly.
Am I using this tool improperly??
There must be something I am missing here.