Free online course - Beer: the science of brewing


New Forum Member
Oct 22, 2020
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The laboratory of prof. Kevin Verstrepen (VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology) has created a free, online course on the science behind beer. You will learn how the key ingredients, different biochemical reactions and process parameters influence the taste and aroma of beer. This course also gives you a sneak peek inside some of Belgium?s most iconic breweries (including the Trappist brewery Orval). It features talks from Belgian brewers and maltsters, as well as from some of the most renowned academics (prof. Charlie Bamforth, Prof. Thomas Shellhammer and many others) on key features of the malting and brewing process.
The course is completely freely accessible online, so you don?t even need to get out of your comfortable chair at home or work.  For those wanting access to extra content and an official certificate at the end of the course, there is the possibility to register for those options for 84?.
The first run of this course took place last spring, and counted over 6.000 different participants from 126 countries! The next, updated run opens on November 2nd 2020 (registration is free, but required) and now also features a discussion forum aimed at (home)brewers.  This will be THE spot for homebrewers across the globe that are taking this MOOC to connect and discuss any questions, tips and tricks, ... they have for fellow (home)brewers.
Register now for ?BREWINGx: Beer: the science of brewing?
Short update on the MOOC "Beer: the science of brewing". After two successful runs, the laboratory of prof. Kevin Verstrepen (VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology) will start a third run of their free, online course on the science behind beer.

In this course, you will learn how the key ingredients, different biochemical reactions and process parameters influence the taste and aroma of beer. This course also gives you a sneak peek inside some of Belgium?s most iconic breweries (including the Trappist brewery Orval). It features talks from Belgian brewers and maltsters, as well as from some of the most renowned academics (prof. Charlie Bamforth, Prof. Thomas Shellhammer and many others) on key features of the malting and brewing process.

The course is completely freely accessible online, so you don?t even need to get out of your comfortable chair at home or work. For those wanting access to extra content and an official certificate at the end of the course, there is the possibility to register for those options for ?82.

The first two runs of this course took place over the past year, and counted over 10.000 different participants from over 120 countries! The next, updated run opens on May 3rd, 2021 (registration is free, but required). Opposed to the previous runs, this new run will be self-paced meaning that the complete course is available from the start and you can discover the science behind brewing and beer at your own pace.

Register now for ?BREWINGx: Beer: the science of brewing?
