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Beersmith water salt question


New Forum Member
Dec 29, 2023
Reaction score
Hey all, I have a question that I'm sure has a simple answer but I'm missing it. I use the Beersmiths water profiles Base my individual water profiles on my own that was done at Ward labs and his entered into the program. My question is this. The number drastically change when you click the button "don't include water salts", however the additions do not fluctuate. I feel as if I'm somehow doing this incorrectly? Can someone explain what this button does or means? For instance, if I'm making a Pilsner, and when I add my pills or water ingredient to my recipe, it says add X amount of Epson salt, amount of gypsum, and X amount of calcium chloride. That's all fine. Below the program shows my adjusted water profile being the numbers I was trying to match. The don't include water salts button is checked? If I uncheck it the numbers drastically increase. Am I still adding the right amount of additions? does this make any sense to anyone? Thanks in advance.
Another simple way to look at it. If the water profile at the bottom matches what you are wanting, it is set right.