Hey there!
I'm hoping that somebody besides me wanted this. I just went through and created a new BSMX file of all of Briess' Malts, Grains, Adjuncts, and Extracts. I used the old Briess.BSM file as a starting point.
The data for this new file comes from Briess' Technical Sheets where available. There are 86 "Fermentables" in this file. Many grains have updated specs, and all of the extracts now have the correct SRM. I went through and added all of the fermentable products available on the betterbrewing.com website.
I hope this helps y'all.
Robb Burden
I'm hoping that somebody besides me wanted this. I just went through and created a new BSMX file of all of Briess' Malts, Grains, Adjuncts, and Extracts. I used the old Briess.BSM file as a starting point.
The data for this new file comes from Briess' Technical Sheets where available. There are 86 "Fermentables" in this file. Many grains have updated specs, and all of the extracts now have the correct SRM. I went through and added all of the fermentable products available on the betterbrewing.com website.
I hope this helps y'all.
Robb Burden