New guy


New Forum Member
Jan 12, 2025
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Hi, I have been brewing since 1993 (yes, I am old). I started all grain in 2004 with a MoreBeer 3 tier brew sculpture.

I live in MD and belong the FOAM brew club in Frederick MD (Frederick's Original Ale Makers)
That is about the time I started brewing. I am closing in on 67 is that old? Welcome.

I am a late comer to brewing, having started back in 2013. As a Chemical Engineer working in product development, I dove into the process quite heavily. I am fairly good at process questions, and know enough about chemistry to get myself in trouble...

I also like to experiment a lot and have done many scoping batches to see what I can get away with and what is important in my system. This has had it's issues, as now being semi-retired, I do consulting and do not have a ready outlet for my beer (workmates), which has slowed by brewing down quite a bit, so my inventory has grown a bit too much.

Just tapped a keg of Dunkel made three years ago. It is excellent, very mellow and almost too easy to drink.
I have the same problem. I think I like brewing beer more than drinking it. Now, I like drinking it mind you, but once I get going, I tend to turn out about a 5-gallon batch a week, and I can't quite consume it at that rate.
I enjoy the brewing process and the drinking phase. However, as I have aged, I find that I can only handle no more than two beers or else I feel bad in the AM.

I tell people that I have a drinking problem: I can make it faster than I can drink it. That's a problem!