Mash profiles same - different results


May 23, 2012
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I plan my recipes sitting at my desk on my "house" computer.
I brew my recipes in the garage on the "RV garage" computer.
Inputting identical information into mash profiles I get two different results.
The house computer gives the correct beta amylase mash in temperature at 168.1 F
The RV garage computer gives the result as 159.4 F
I cannot find an error to correct this discrepancy.
Can anyone give a guy a helping hand?


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Just spitballing here... once you finalize the recipe on the house computer do you upload it to the cloud and the retrieve it on the garage computer? Do both computers have the same mash profiles loaded? Are the equipment profiles on both machines identical?
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I think Kevin hit the nail on the head, check the equipment profiles on both computers.
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You might want to try just copying one recipe to the cloud and then open it on the other computer and see if it matches.

If not then you may have accidentally changed something in your advanced settings (Options->Advanced) page.
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Thank you for your kind responses.
This occurs under Profile -> Mash, this is not at the Recipe stage yet.
To my mind the only variable in this Profile ->Mash should be temperature and grain weight, equipment should not yet enter equation until Recipe.
Never-the-less Equipment Profiles are identical as are the Advanced Options.
The Cloud Recipe version is identical on both computers as you would expect from cloud retrieval.
I do have work arounds for this error so does not stop the brewing process.
However, odd that these two values are not exact no matter what I have tried.
Thanks again.


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