Doubt sparge


New Forum Member
Mar 16, 2023
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Hi, I changed my all-grain system from gas to electric.
I bought a Brewferm kettle and I built myself a kettle for sparge (with a maximum capacity of 5 litres).
Since I am limited with the size of the sparge kettle, if I need to make more than 5 liters of sparge can I add the (cold) water to reach the volume of 23 liters directly into the wort? So if I needed 10 liters to get to pre-boil volume, I would make 5 liters of fly-sparge plus 5 liters of cold water which I would pour directly into the wort. Would I compromise something or should I be fine?
Thank you.
You will be fine! There are a few econimic reasons to use hot sparge water on a commercial basis, but for homebrewing it is far less critical. Using cool water to sparge with will lengthen the time needed to heat the wort up to a boil by a little, but this is just trading in a bit of time to make the process work for you and get your desired ending volume.