I've been playing around with the demo of beersmith, and I like it quite a bit so far. One thing I just tried though is entering in the recipe for a extract + steeped grain belgian dubbel (a kit from northern brewer) and my color estimate turned out almost solid black! I was a little scared at first since I had never brewed this kit before, but when I did finally brew it the color was more like what I expected.
The culprit seems to be the dark candi sugar, the recipe calls for a pound of it, and when you add it to beersmith the color goes pretty much straight black. So my question is, does the color calculator just not handle candi sugar quite right, or is my candi sugar not as dark as some, or what? Not that its a huge deal, just kind of curious.
The culprit seems to be the dark candi sugar, the recipe calls for a pound of it, and when you add it to beersmith the color goes pretty much straight black. So my question is, does the color calculator just not handle candi sugar quite right, or is my candi sugar not as dark as some, or what? Not that its a huge deal, just kind of curious.