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A Few Favorite Recipes


Grandmaster Brewer
Apr 7, 2017
Reaction score
Here are some of my favorite recipes. Ones that I make regularly. The first is from Denny Conn and is a rye IPA. I make it at least once every year for summer drinking. Denny says he went through approximately 26 batches before he locked in this recipe. I make it as-is every time.

Next is a recipe that originated at Weathered Souls Brewing in San Antonio, Texas and the recipe released by their head brewer for anyone to make. It is Black Is Beautiful Imperial Stout and politics aside, it is an excellent Imperial Stout that only gets better and better with age. I simply call it BiB Imperial Stout.

The third recipe is one of my own creation... sort of. After watching Brad's podcast #162 with Curt Stock about the Cream Ale style I took Curt's general suggestions for building a cream ale and came up with this one. The name comes from my YouTube channel at the time... Gabel Road Brewing (now called No Stress Brewing). I went through a few trial brew sessions before locking it down and once I did I ended up making 5 times in a row because friends and family literally couldn't get enough. I think the Lemon Drop hops makes all the difference.


  • Denny Conn Rye IPA.bsmx
    31.6 KB · Views: 9
  • BiB Imperial Stout.bsmx
    34.9 KB · Views: 8
  • Gabel Road Cream Ale.bsmx
    24.3 KB · Views: 19
I dont know what I'm doing wrong but I open the atatcment and get giberish. I used to brew an RIPA with Amarillo but havnt in awhile not sure if it was like Dennies but it was good just havnt had any rye lately. Just killed my cream ale keg as we speak so wanted to take a look. BC
You need to download the file, save it to a folder and import it into Beersmith.
Here are some of my favorite recipes. Ones that I make regularly. The first is from Denny Conn and is a rye IPA. I make it at least once every year for summer drinking. Denny says he went through approximately 26 batches before he locked in this recipe. I make it as-is every time.

Next is a recipe that originated at Weathered Souls Brewing in San Antonio, Texas and the recipe released by their head brewer for anyone to make. It is Black Is Beautiful Imperial Stout and politics aside, it is an excellent Imperial Stout that only gets better and better with age. I simply call it BiB Imperial Stout.

The third recipe is one of my own creation... sort of. After watching Brad's podcast #162 with Curt Stock about the Cream Ale style I took Curt's general suggestions for building a cream ale and came up with this one. The name comes from my YouTube channel at the time... Gabel Road Brewing (now called No Stress Brewing). I went through a few trial brew sessions before locking it down and once I did I ended up making 5 times in a row because friends and family literally couldn't get enough epoxy flooring brisbane. I think the Lemon Drop hops makes all the difference.
It's great to hear that you have some favorite recipes that you enjoy making regularly! While you've mentioned the names and origins of the recipes, you haven't provided the actual recipe details. If you would like assistance with specific recipe instructions or have any questions related to brewing techniques or ingredients, feel free to ask, and I'll be happy to help you out.
It's great to hear that you have some favorite recipes that you enjoy making regularly! While you've mentioned the names and origins of the recipes, you haven't provided the actual recipe details. If you would like assistance with specific recipe instructions or have any questions related to brewing techniques or ingredients, feel free to ask, and I'll be happy to help you out.
I actually did. See the attachments.