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Are Brewers Really Smarter?


Staff member
Grandmaster Brewer
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
I've noticed that the average brewer seems to be a bit smarter than the "Joe six pack" image would suggest.

Sure, some brewers have long hair and wear T-shirts all day, but it seems that most if not all are successful and bright professionals as well - engineers, computer experts, doctors, educators...etc...

Anyone else have this experience with their fellow brewers?

Dr Brad
Could be coincidence, but all the brewers I've met have been software developers...maybe they are just the only people I get a chance to talk to.  ::)
Hey, what's wrong with having long hair and wearing t-shirts all day?!?!?  :mad: That stereotype is just as bad as the Joe Six-Pack stereotype!

Now, excuse me while I go wipe the mustardand beer off my t-shirt.  ;)
I would love to have long hair and wear T-shirts all day!

I guess I am a 'Joe six pack' stuck in a computer geeks body.  ;D

Every homebrewer that I have met has been friendly and helpful...


Now, excuse me while I go wipe the mustardand beer off my t-shirt.  ;)
I know what you mean -  I have a couple of shirt casualties from using bleach to clean out the carboys.

I don't think I'm smarter by any means... but then again, my job isn't anywhere near those you listed  ;D

Maybe brewers are more creative, and a little bit crazy...
Creative...innovative...perhaps that's a better word than smarter!

I just noticed that the hobby attracts certain types of people...though many are not the stereotypical brewer.

I've met a lot of "stupid" brewers (some professional), but most of them don't keep brewing for a long time. Which makes me wonder which comes first -- the brewing or the creativity? I have a feeling it's a combination of early success, creativity, love of good beer . . . and TIME. Lots of "creative" type jobs have flexible hours, which gives us the time to brew. Or maybe that's just another stereotype!  ;)

And Brad, you should give up on the bleach -- PBW and Oxiclean don't stain!
I've heard of PBW - but is Oxiclean the laundry soap sold commercially?  Also is it a cleaner or will it also sterilize like bleach?  How much do you use to sterilize?

Changing threads here. But PBW - Powdered Brewery Wash is a Cleaner. OxyClean is a cleaner- stain remover. Not necessarily just for laundry. (In fact, it is better than carpet cleaner on a big Iced Tea stain). It seems to behave identically to One Step, and so I wonder if it doesn't sanitize as well...

Since we're still on the Smarter Brewers thread, are there any chemists out there that can put this to rest?