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Designing Great Beers by Ray Daniels


Staff member
Grandmaster Brewer
Apr 5, 2003
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  I posted a nice review of one of my favorite books here:

    Designing Great Beers by Ray Daniels:


A MUST have for anyone making their own recipes. It's in my brewing library ( 4 or 5 books). I just wish that he would have put in a chapter on brewing Belgians. :)
-1  Not quite as enthusiastic as you are about his book.  I read Ray Daniels book about 18 months ago and felt that his information at times was in conflict with several other well respected brewers books which I had also read.  I also found some of his ideas were interesting approaches to work with.  I am intending on re-reading his book and who knows; maybe I will be able to understand his points better this time.  His writing is very dry, and is better then sominex to put you to sleep. 

For the Love of Beer
Awesome book for any brewer looking to create recipes or alter the ones you have. It has really helped my brewing!
Definitely a must have nearly as important as your brew kettle
Just finished my first run through this book. I bought it for kindle but I wish I had bought the hard copy for easier reference. Thought it covered most styles pretty well.
BrewWhat said:
A MUST have for anyone making their own recipes. It's in my brewing library ( 4 or 5 books). I just wish that he would have put in a chapter on brewing Belgians. :)
I was hop-ing(lol) for a chapter Belgians too! 
Loved this book as well. One of my staples in my brewing library. Gave me a lot of good insights at a time when I was transitioning into all grain. Another book I consider a must is the new one called "Brewing Better Beer by Gordon Strong". It's a little more current, check it out... http://www.hoptomology.com/2011/06/07/brewing-better-beer-by-gordon-strong/

An excellent book. Read this and take your brewing to the next level. I especially liked the section describing how to hand calculate the water, malt and hop bills. If you want to gain a deeper understanding of how water, barley, hops and yeast come together to create this delicious beverage called beer, turn off your computer and use this book to try your hand at calculating a beer recipe from scratch, it will give you a better appreciation for Beersmith as well.  ;)