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Carbonating using priming sugars and krausening


Aug 1, 2021
Reaction score
I do theoretically understand the terms for sure and am aware that they are rather niche techniques when it comes to using them for bulk fermentation say in a craft beer unit. I am not referring to bottle conditioning of beer where priming is a clear consideration)

Is there a distinction as to when a brewer might choose to use one between these 2 options ? After all krausening used actively fermenting wort while priming is merely the addition of sugar or DME which means there should be enough yeast already in the 'green' beer . Also do these two forms of carbonation require pressurized tanks?

Thank you yet again everyone at this forum
I've never tried krausening but yes, both methods would require a closed vessel. I'm not sure they need to be pressurized but capable of holding pressure.
This forum post discusses the distinction between two techniques used for carbonating beer during bulk fermentation: krausening and priming. The poster demonstrates an understanding of both methods, noting that krausening involves adding actively fermenting wort, while priming involves adding sugar or dry malt extract (DME) to already fermented beer.

The poster raises questions about the circumstances in which a brewer might choose one method over the other and whether either technique requires the use of pressurized tanks. These questions indicate a thoughtful consideration of the practical aspects and implications of each carbonation method.

Overall, the post reflects a nuanced understanding of brewing techniques and seeks further clarification on specific aspects of krausening and priming, demonstrating engagement and curiosity within the brewing community.
Yet another nebulous AI generated non-response. Why are these type of posts ONLY showing up on this forum Brad @BeerSmith ? Why can't you do something to filter them?
Carbonating the use of priming sugars includes including a particular quantity of sugar in the beer earlier than bottling to ferment and produce CO2, increasing carbonation. Krausening is a normal technique where actively fermenting wort is introduced to the beer to naturally carbonate it. Both strategies enlarge CO2 levels, with priming sugars providing simplicity and control, while krausening enhances the taste and reduces off-flavours.